There are a number of customs changes already underway.
Low-value shipments: From 1 January 2015, low-value shipments are declared in the same way as all other declarations for release into free circulation. For many of you, this most likely has meant an increase in the number of sample shipments requiring clearance through customs. Though this does not involve you paying significantly more in customs duties, your costs may well have increased. By customs duties, we mean the costs incurred in using the customs declarations service.
UCC = Union Customs Code: This includes both new customs legislation and a new procedural code which stipulates that all customs operations are to be carried out electronically. A number of changes will be brought in, not only regarding customs warehouses but also within import and export. Companies will need to reapply for any authorisations they already hold. Since the authorisations have not all been finalised, we do not yet know exactly when this process can begin. Various changes will come into force during the course of a four-year period starting 1 May 2016. More information is available on the Swedish Customs website.
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